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What is a Wildcard SSL Certificate?

Unlike a standard SSL Certificate that is issued to a single Fully Qualified Domain Name only, e.g., which means it can only be used to secure the exact domain to which it has been issued, a Wildcard SSL Certificate is issued to *, where the asterisk represents all possible subdomains.

Wildcard SSL is an option available for DV and OV SSL Certificates.
What is a Wildcard SSL Certificate?

Why should I use Organization SSL?

Delivered in Minutes for Instant Protection

The fastest and most affordable way to activate SSL protection for your website, issuance is quick and often fully automated.

Trust Site Seal

Our SSL Certificates come with a trust seal that has been proven to increase visitor confidence and customer conversions.

Boost your Google Ranking

Google uses SSL/HTTPS as a factor in determining search engine ranking. Add SSL today to help boost your Google ranking!

Organization SSL features

Encrypt Sensitive Data

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Secure Online Transactions

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Prove Legitimacy

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Strongest & Fastest SSL

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99.9% Browser Compatibility

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Increase SEO Rank

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